
Environmental and health assessment of polyurethane adhesives

The Swiss-based Purbond AG manufactures polyurethane-based, single-component adhesives for use in wood construction. EBP analyzed the environmental and health aspects of the company’s products and drafted a corresponding product information sheet for consumers.

Purbond AG has been manufacturing polyurethane-based, single-component adhesives for around 20 years. The Swiss company is a globally active system supplier to producers of load-bearing wooden elements such as composite, cross-laminated and solid walls, posts and beams.

Public awareness of environmental and health issues has increased significantly in recent years. In keeping with this trend, ever more consumers have submitted inquiries to Purbond AG to learn more in this respect about its products.

Working on behalf of Purbond AG, EBP compiled extensive information about the environmental and health aspects of PURBOND adhesives in an accessible product information sheet for the company’s customers. In addition to gathering the scientific data, we conducted interviews with prospective customers and other stakeholders in the wood construction sector concerning building quality issues and residents’ health in respect of treated wood products.

The wood adhesives that are used in the production of wooden, load-bearing building elements need to meet various structural, aesthetic, environmental and health specifications. As our analysis shows, PURBOND adhesives tick all the boxes, because they emit produce light-colored joins and emit no synthetic formaldehydes.

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