
Development and illustration of an energy transition blog

At EBP, experts from various specialist fields have concerned themselves with the subject of energy for decades. In the interest of promoting the transition to a low-carbon, environmentally sustainable, reliable and affordable supply of energy, EBP has created an energy transition blog to showcase its efforts and encourage discourse on the subject of energy.

Whether the topics concern systems of energy supply, mobility, development planning, building systems engineering or developer representation, we at EBP attempt to find an answer to the following question in the context of executing all of our projects: “What is the best way to make use of our limited resources so as to better protect our environment and nonetheless enable a high standard of living?” This same question is also at the center of the energy transition itself. While the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima in 2011 may indeed have helped to raise our awareness of the energy transition’s importance, the scope of the transition goes far beyond the replacement of nuclear power.

EBP has created a WordPress-based blog to enable its experts from various disciplines to discuss issues relating to the energy transition from their own perspective. EBP’s communication team has assumed responsibility for the blog’s editorial management and will continue to develop fitting, informative illustrations to accompany the blog entries. This work will include photography, digital compositing (photomontage) and infographics.

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