
Interactive report on resource-efficient wastewater treatment plants

What’s the best way to offer quick and intuitive explanations of complex research results to audiences of scientists, economic experts and public policymakers? The communications team at EBP has the answer: by creating smart, intuitive and well-designed infographics that both supplement and interactively structure the source research reports.

Bericht Ressourceneffizente Abwasser-Reinigungsanlagen

Project background: highly resource-efficient wastewater treatment plants (WTPs) can make a contribution to a greener economy and more sustainable energy supply system in Switzerland. EBP examined various technical means of increasing the resource efficiency of power consumption models, heat-recovery systems, energy production facilities and methods of both nitrogen and phosphorus recovery.

The results were documented in the form of a final report. In order to communicate these results in an intuitive and well-structured manner to an audience of scientists, economic experts and public policymakers, an emphasis was placed on the structure of the report. The EBP communications team developed a synoptic infographic as a key to unlocking the report. The infographic offers an overview of the WTP infrastructure, presents all of the examined technologies at a glance and links these technologies to corresponding fact sheets that offer readers a more detailed, but also visually strong overview of the individual measures. Additional orientation is provided by intuitive icons and a carefully thought-out color concept. This enables readers to gain a quick grasp of even very complex issues while also making the publication easy to work with.

The report was developed in the framework of the Resource-Efficient Wastewater Treatment Plants project.

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