
The Future of Mobility in Rapperswil-Jona

The city of Rapperswil-Jona is encouraging its citizens to join the search for a solution to the city’s traffic problems. In what can be described as an open-ended process, the community as a whole is to discuss and evaluate its needs, visions and goals – as well as various ideas for meeting them. As an expert in the area of transportation planning, EBP will be providing their support to the city in the form of expertise, to ensure the professional organisation of the planning process and effective public relations management.

Rapperswil-Jona has begun the task of shaping its own future of urban mobility. With ample input from the community at large, the city council is busy working out ideas on how to improve the city’s traffic situation. Final proposals will be submitted to the Canton of St. Gallen at the end of 2013. In addition to long-term solutions, attention will also be given to the development and implementation of measures geared to bringing about immediate improvements. A survey of traffic volume is to be carried out to provide an up-to-date basis for the development of appropriate measures.

To help ensure a high degree of public acceptance for the long and short-term measures, a proactive approach has been taken to include the community as a whole in the process of forming the city’s mobility future. Needs, goals, and proposals will be open to public debate at various city events or mobility forums. Together with city council members, a broadly representative advisory committee and a special steering committee are to work out the agendas for these meetings.
EBP will organise all of the events and meetings together with two project partners within the framework of the two-year process. They will also provide the necessary planning expertise and assume responsibility for various public relations tasks, including the maintenance of a web platform: The particular activities will include the following:

  • Management of the participatory process for a future urban-mobility concept
  • Analysis of the foundations for effective city and traffic planning
  • Organisation and evaluation of a city-wide traffic survey
  • Assessment of submitted proposals from the perspective of city planning
  • Expert presentations
  • Organisation of public events
  • Public relations work
  • Maintenance of the project website:
  • Communication

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