
Graphic Recording of panel discussion on "Safety in Public Spaces"

Working on behalf of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and BaslerFonds, EBP completed a study of "Safety in Public Spaces". Within the framework of a networking event organized by the Association of Swiss Cities, we presented the results of our study to an audience of specialists while also supporting the event by means of visual facilitation. Our Graphic Recording allowed us to visualize the ensuing discussion and to thereby secure a more intuitive accessible record of the ideas and concepts discussed.

EBP completed a study of safety in public spaces in the Canton of Basel-Stadt. In the interest of publishing the results, the Canton of Basel-Stadt joined forces with the Association of Swiss Cities to organize an event for specialists in the field. This gave individuals responsible for safety in various Swiss cities an opportunity to learn from one another. The event also included a World-Café workshop relating to the following aspects of safety in public spaces:

  • Managing utilization impact
  • Safety versus freedom
  • Integral safety
  • Future challenges

Graphic Recording makes connections visible

The participants engaged in a discussion of the presented measures and other innovative approaches to public safety. EBP made a Graphic Recording of the entire event to highlight the results of the various discussions. This memorialized the event in a way that would make it easier for viewers to gain a better grasp of the subject matter and to essentially preserve important nuances that would have been lost in a written record. Moreover, the direct visualization of the contents helped to increase the curiosity and attentiveness of the participants, while at the same time giving the results more weight and creating an emotional connection to the complex subject matter.

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