
Greenhouse Gas Budget and Reduction Pathway

How much greenhouse gas is a country, a canton, an economic sector or a business permitted to emit in the future if it wants to achieve net-zero emissions? EBP calculates remaining greenhouse gas budgets and corresponding reduction pathways.

If the internationally defined 2°C target is to be reached, only a limited amount of greenhouse gases may be emitted. EBP supports cantons, sectors and businesses to determine their remaining emissions budgets.  

The Federal government and various cantons have set net-zero targets for 2050. To reach this goal, a so-called reduction pathway can be determined that shows how emissions may develop in the future. Based on models of future energy and climate policies, EBP calculates how emissions will develop until 2050 and what will be necessary to achieve net-zero targets.

Treibhausgasemissionen Bselland
Development of greenhouse gas emissions

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