
Spatial development concept for Naters

The Swiss municipality of Naters is preparing to revise its municipal development plan. Working together with the local planning firm Planax, we drafted a spatial development concept to provide a basis for the revision. To take account of each of the municipality’s various districts, we placed the substantive focus regarding the urban center of Naters on qualitative settlement development, greenbelts, and transportation services. In the exurban districts of Mund and Birgisch, as well as in the tourist centers of Blatten and Belalp, we concentrated on town development, natural and cultural landscapes, infrastructure, and transportation services.

Our services

  • Drafting of a comprehensive plan for all municipal districts
  • Drafting of detailed spatial development maps along with a strategy concept (goals, sub-strategies, and projects)
  • Implementation planning
  • Organization and execution of workshops with the municipal spatial planning commission
  • Presentations and discussion at municipal council meetings
Gemeinde Naters
Detail from the Naters Center spatial development map

Contact persons