
Transport System Financing

Federal, cantonal and municipal authorities face the challenge of securing appropriate financing for transport systems well into the future. EBP has assessed the need for action and outlined a number of proposals along with their expected advantages and disadvantages.

Public funding constraints and issues relating to the appropriate allocation of internal and external costs have turned transport system financing into a subject of continuous debate among federal, cantonal and municipal authorities.

Working on behalf of various clients, we have examined the current approach to transport system financing and have provided a representation of the flow of funds. Our analysis of the various funding sources and our forecasts of cost-to-revenue development indicate a need for action.

In the interest of establishing a basis for an action plan, we have examined various proposals involving user and indirect-beneficiary financing. This examination includes an estimate of the revenue potential of the individual proposals, an assessment of their advantages and disadvantages and a specification of the expected winners and the losers in the wake of their implementation.

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