Infrastructure renewal and renovation (Railway)

We are specialists in the maintenance of infrastructure, including bridges, tunnels, railways, roadways and special structures. We place great value in solutions that unify cost effectiveness, quality and sustainability.

Working on behalf of our clients, we work out goal-oriented and practicable solutions in all renewal and renovation phases, from initial status analyses to project execution and completion. The services offered by our team of civil and materials engineers include:

  • Damage assessments
  • recommendations of action
  • Planning of renewal and renovation measures
  • Invitation to tender  and construction management
  • Materials technology consulting
  • Management of complex renewal projects

In addition to the actual planning of renewal projects, we assume the role of a general manager for complex renewal and renovation projects, coordinating the various engineering teams from different disciplines. We also provide continuous developer consulting services.

The complexity of today’s projects and their environments introduces additional challenges for developers and other project stakeholders. For instance, it is often the case that existing structures need to remain operational while they are being renovated. We offer all of the services that are necessary for the comprehensive and successful planning and execution of renewal projects. Our broad, interdisciplinary competence and experience ensure sustainable solutions and smooth project execution throughout each phase.