
Concept Study for Transportation Hubs in Canton Lucerne

We developed types and standards for transportation hubs for the canton of Lucerne as part of a concept study and determined the locations. The standards vary depending on the transportation hub type. The study took account of both overarching objectives from the perspectives of overall mobility and stakeholder interests. Using a customer journey approach, we identified 11 standards that Canton Lucerne can use to assess the need for action at its transportation hubs.

Our services

  • Reviewing and validating the typification and the transportation hubs location concept from the ARE pilot study
  • Developing cantonal standards for transportation hubs in relation to the necessary services at the individual hub locations
  • Investigating the overall traffic impact of the upgrading of transportation hubs
  • Drafting an implementation concept
  • Visualizing the transportation hub environment for the various types, both as infographics and illustrations
  • Designing a subpage on the web, including text editing
  • Sample determining of the need for action at four selected transportation hubs

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