
Assessing the Safety of Public Spaces in Greifensee

We assessed the security situation in public spaces in the municipality of Greifensee, focusing on objective safety, the subjective perception of safety, as well as peace and order. We derived findings on the current situation in a workshop and developed recommendations for action with employees of the administration and the Uster municipal police. Our crime prevention assessment forms the basis for municipal decisions on security-related measures.

Our services

  • Analyzing the current situation with regard to safety, peace and order in public and semi-public spaces in the municipality of Greifensee using “crime mapping markers”
  • Moderating workshops
  • Participatory developing of recommendations for actions that will enable Greifensee to achieve its public safety goals
  • Providing of a decision-making basis for those in charge to implement suitable measures

Picture Credits: © EBP

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