
Future Forests and Wood Scenerios 2050

On behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), we examined the leading factors of the “forests and wood” system. We used our findings to generate possible development scenarios for the year 2050, ranging from a business-as-usual scenario to extreme variants. We compiled our results and recommendations in the study “Future Forests and Wood Scenarios 2050”, which can now be used by federal agencies, cantons and other stakeholders to develop strategies for safeguarding forest services.

Our services

  • Identifying the relevant environmental, economic, technical, political, social and international factors using an environmental and system analysis
  • Analyzing data records, reports and policies, and conducting interviews to determine the status of the relevant factors
  • Developing future scenarios for the diverse services of forests
  • Drafting recommendations for the federal government, cantons and other stakeholders to shape future strategies

Picture Credits Main Image: © EBP, Tino Reinecke

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